Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality, Second Edition (2015, Hardcover, Revised) by download ebook DOC, MOBI


Data will not help you if you can t see it where you need it. Or can t collect it where you need it. Upon these principles, wearable technology was born. And although smart watches and fitness trackers have become almost ubiquitous, with in-body sensors on the horizon, the future applications of wearable computers hold so much more. A trusted reference for almost 15 years, Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality goes beyond smart clothing to explore user interface design issues specific to wearable tech and areas in which it can be applied. Upon its initial publication, the first edition almost instantly became a trusted reference, setting the stage for the coming decade, in which the explosion in research and applications of wearable computers and augmented reality occurred. Written by expert researchers and teachers, each chapter in the second edition has been revised and updated to reflect advances in the field and provide fundamental knowledge on each topic, solidifying the book s reputation as a valuable technical resource as well as a textbook for augmented reality and ubiquitous computing courses. New Chapters in the Second Edition Explore: Haptics Visual displays Use of augmented reality for surgery and manufacturing Technical issues of image registration and tracking Augmenting the environment with wearable audio interfaces Use of augmented reality in preserving cultural heritage Human-computer interaction and augmented reality technology Spatialized sound and augmented reality Augmented reality and robotics Computational clothing From a technology perspective, much of what is happening now with wearables and augmented reality would not have been possible even five years ago. In the fourteen years since the first edition burst on the scene, the capabilities and applications of both technologies are orders of magnitude faster, smaller, and cheaper. Yet the book s overarching mission remains the same: to supply the fundamental information and basic knowledge about the design and use of wearable computers and augmented reality with the goal of enhancing people s lives.", The second edition of a bestseller, this book presents broad coverage of the emerging human-computer interface technologies which allow people to access information anywhere and at any time. There are many application areas for this technology, such as medicine, manufacturing, training, and recreation. Much of the new material in this edition focuses on the emerging display technologies which are far less cumbersome. Other new material will focus on applications and interface design issues.

Read Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality, Second Edition (2015, Hardcover, Revised) MOBI, EPUB, FB2

The introduction and app test drives at the beginning of each chapter show one or more sample executions.The book also examines the technical, economic, and environmental reasons of R718 refrigeration/heat pump systems and how they are competitive with traditional systems, serving as a valuable reference for engineers who work in the design and construction of thermal plants and systems, and those who wish to specialize in the use of R718 as a refrigerant in these systems.All chapters are based on realistic, virtual company cases to enhance your understanding of the business environment in which QuickBooks is used.Presents a "hands-on" approach to understanding open source systems at a critical time when embracing them can afford librarians and archivists easy access to powerful technologies unavailable through commercial applications * Supplies an insightful comparative analysis of current systems * Provides timely and up-to-date coverage of open source systems that emphasizes practical implementation strategiesEmerging Nanotechnologies in Rechargable Energy Storage Systems, Emerging Nanotechnologies in Rechargeable Energy Storage Systems addresses the technical state-of-the-art of nanotechnology for rechargeable energy storage systems.Windows IT pro consultant, trainer and MVP Peter De Tender takes you through the necessary theory and background on each topic along with hands-on step-by-step lab guides to help you implement and configure each feature for yourself.Rooted in the two-thousand-year-old wisdom of the Tao Te Ching-"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"-here is the way to change your life without fear, without failure, and to begin a new, easy regimen of continuous improvement.C programmers have difficulty getting used to the complexity of C++.As a speaker dedicated to expanding intellectual horizons and celebrating the value of skepticism, Ingersoll spoke frequently on such topics as atheism, freedom from the pressures of conformity, and the lives of philosophers who espoused such concepts.It contains international studies from the UK, North America and Australasia.